The Omega Chapter
The Omega Chapter of Zeta Sigma Chi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. was reserved June 26, 2021 for sisters who have passed on from this world. Sisterhood is eternal and we reserve this chapter to forever honor their contributions to our sorority and the world.
Radiance is forever.

The Omega Chapter

Soror Courtney Croslin
March 20, 1990 - June 26, 2021
Courtney was a leader throughout our entire organization, and her legacy will forever be remembered. She had an incredibly dynamic way of moving in her power and radiance, and served as an endless source of inspiration for every individual who had the opportunity to connect with her. Courtney’s heart was simply unmatched in the ways she showed up in this lifetime, and this will endure on throughout time. We firmly believe that Courtney embodied everything that makes a Radiant Lady, in the very essence of her being.
CalitZa Thalia | #3 | VainGloriouZ ΣXtraVIIgance
Omicron Chapter | Winter 2010

Soror Alicia Curtis
October 1, 1985 - August 20, 2021
Alicia was a founder of our Iota Chapter, at Shippensburg University, and light within our sisterhood to many. She is someone whose legacy will continue to ring throughout our organization and far into the future in terms of her fierce determination, connection to others, and ability to be a source of unwavering support to so many around her.
FOUNDER | #5 | eminence | Iota Chapter | Spring 2005

Soror Lana Ritondale
May 4,1987 - August 18, 2023
Lana was a member of our Lovely Lambda Chapter, at Oakland University. She had a passion for helping others not only within our sisterhood, but also in her daily career as a nurse. We are grateful for the light Lana will forever shine on our organization.
Beta Line | SOLO | M.BeL1eve.E | Lambda Chapter | Fall 2006